Entries by Josh Jones

5 Helpful Tips for E-Commerce Startups

  We here at WP EasyCart have been in the business of online selling and e-commerce for many years. ?And as a developer of a WordPress Shopping Cart system, we can tell you from experience we have seen it all. ?We have seen start-ups struggle in the e-commerce world, and sometimes failing, because of unrealistic […]

Picking a Payment Gateway

Here at WP EasyCart we deal with payment gateway companies on a daily basis and understand all the pros and cons to each. We consider payment collection as a 3 step decision: Sales Volume – Will you be selling enough to make the lower transaction fee pay? Location – Where is your business located? Not […]

Shipping Your Product

Getting your shipping pricing just right can be a tricky task. As your business grows and expands where you are shipping your products, so does the complexity of calculating a shipping cost. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when developing a shipping system that will work best for you. [checklist] No shipping […]

Altering Products Per Page

changing the products per page for your WP EasyCart is really quick and easy. Go to your WordPress Admin -> EasyCart Admin -> Store Admin -> Settings -> Products Per Page. You should edit the values here. The default selected value is always the middle value for the EasyCart.

Manipulating the Product Sort Box

A common request that we get here is how to hide the sort box or change the options that are available. Hide the Sort Box To hide the sort box, use the custom css box. This is available in your WordPress Admin -> EasyCart Admin -> Store Setup -> Advanced Options.   Enter the following […]

Javascript Validation Customization

The WP EasyCart is setup to validate at the very minimum for non-US customers. This is because validation requirements vary so much from country to country. To make the system as flexible as possible, there is the opportunity to add custom validation for each and every country and a backup validation for those countries that […]

Where to Find the Correct Layout File

We get many requests that ask, where do I find it!? This is the hardest part of learning any new system and being able to leverage it in your project. Hopefully some of this will be cleared up below. All of the following information is related to files located in your EasyCart store layout in […]

What Makes Up a WordPress Store Design

A WordPress site is made up of the WordPress structure, a theme, plugins, and content. A WordPress theme is what makes the website look a specific way to the customer. It is made up of css, javascript, and php which depicts how the website is displayed to the viewer. Once setup, a website owner can […]