3 Proven Ways Any Business Can Drive Website Traffic to their eCommerce Store

You’ve done it! You started your business, created your website, added your products and now – you just need to start making sales! The world of eCommerce is extremely competitive and with millions of them trying to attract buyers, how will you stand out? We’ve compiled three proven ways you can increase traffic to your eCommerce store and increase your bottom line!

Importing Your Shopify Store

WP EasyCart makes it super easy to import your products, categories, images, and users from your Shopify store into your brand new WP EasyCart shop!

Get More 5 Star Customer Reviews

One of the best ways to build trust and confidence with your customers is to let other customers leave a review on your website. Luckily, 5-Star Customer Reviews are built in to WP EasyCart. One of the cool things about how this works is that you can put customer reviews anywhere on your website, not just your product pages.

Email Delivery with WordPress

How to achieve reliable email using WordPress to send order confirmations and other emails on your website.

Tracking with Facebook Pixel


What is Facebook Pixel?

The facebook pixel is a small piece of code that you add to your website pages that tracks various events as they occur.? If you are familiar with Google analytics, it is very similar in every aspect.? You add a short script to the head of each document and you can track page views, add to cart, checkout, purchases, and many other events as they occur.

Why is this important?

Because tracking your users as they move through your site gives you good insight into the behavior and site flow of your website.? Using eCommerce, such as WP EasyCart, you want to see which products are gaining attention and clicks.? Are people adding products to their cart? Do they start the checkout process?? Do users eventually reach a successful purchase?

And more importantly, where did they come from?? Knowing where your purchasing and converting customers come from is the name of the battle, and leads you to invest more marketing dollars in the correct area.

How to Get a Facebook Pixel Code?

Simply visit facebook’s pixel page and learn more or create a new facebook pixel:??https://www.facebook.com/business/a/facebook-pixel? Once you walk through and create a new facebook pixel, you will be given a small snippet of code to paste into the head of your wordpress theme.? Most themes allow you to paste google tracking code into the head of the document, but you can also paste in the facebook pixel script.

Alternatively, there are great third party tools that let you insert tracking code scripts from google, facebook, and others.? Just search wordpress plugins for tracking code manager plugins.? We like?IntellyWP’s plugin tracking code manager for this purpose.??https://intellywp.com/tracking-code-manager/?

Once you do this, all of your pages will send page view events to facebook.

What does WP EasyCart Pixel integration do?

Now that you have setup page views, you may want to track more events, such as add to cart, initiated checkout, purchase complete, and other events.? Even track how much a purchase was made for after a successful checkout.? This is where EasyCart has integrated, and all you need to do is visit settings -> third party and add your Facebook Pixel ID.


What do reports look like?

Facebook offers a very rich analytics dashboard, giving you statistics on pages, revenue, and other events as they occur. Now you can start investigating where users came from, which facebook ads are generating traffic, and start promoting more with proper data on this very popular platform.

Track actual ecommerce events as they happen.? Not just page views, but actual events such as add to cart, initiated purchase process, check out began, purchase completed, and other events.

Facebook analytics provides robust revenue reports including totals, purchases, averages and more.

To learn more, simply visit Facebook business and start setting up your facebook pixel in their ad manager program!

Your eCommerce Store and Quickbooks

Leverage WordPress EasyCart and Quickbooks extension to transport your data to your desktop quickbooks solution.

5 Tips to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Let WP EasyCart walk you through 5 useful tips to figure out what you are doing right and wrong with social media marketing.

EasyCart Shortcode is Easy!

Looking to develop custom product pages with EasyCart Functionality?

Many customers have asked about creating new products and designs on their WordPress pages and then simply inject or add EasyCart add to cart behavior or products on those custom pages. ?It is a common workflow, and while EasyCart develops an entire catalog system for you and your products, customizing ones pages to fit your specific needs is often a requirement.

With EasyCart shortcode, it is easy to develop your own product pages and add only specific parts of EasyCart to your system. ?Here are a few good examples, but be sure to experiment with our shortcode to see all of the capabilities it has to offer.


Scenario 1: ?Create your own pages, but want ‘Add to Cart’ button on your pages

This is very popular scenario, you have a few products, so you want to create highly customized WordPress pages and JUST use EasyCart add to cart behavior.

  1. ?Create your page in WordPress how you like it, then access the EasyCart shortcode by clicking the ‘shopping cart’ icon on the toolbar.shortcode-toolbar
  2. Select the ‘Add to ?Cart’ shortcode button. ?There are lots of options here for shortcode, so worth time to explore and see the possibilities of each shortcode section.shortcode
  3. Once you select ‘Add to Cart’, you are asked which product would you like this add to cart button to represent, select which product from the dropdown.addtocart
  4. Select ‘Add shortcode’ and it will inject the shortcode into your wordpress page. ?You can use the default editor OR some themes have custom page builders, which also work if they represent shortcode in them.


Here you can see shortcode in the default editor, but you can also add it to your theme if it has a page builder system and will represent shortcode appropriately.


5. ?Now you can view your page, and if your product has option sets, those are also shown with your add to cart shortcode. ?Notice how this is a completely custom page built in WordPress, and ONLY the EasyCart product options and add to cart behavior are shown. ?This allows you to really extend EasyCart and WordPress by design and development on your own pages. ?(Of course EasyCart can do all this for you by using our regular catalog and product details pages that are created automatically, but for those wanting custom designs and complete control, this is a helpful feature.)


Scenario 2: ?A?table of products with titles, pricing and view more options

Many customers have asked for a way to build a table of products. ?We have an awesome shortcode for store table of products which allows you to quickly select groups of products, categories, and individual products and put into a quick shortcode table. ?Of course you could use CSS to custom design colors afterwards, but this shortcode really helps speed up the process of building a product table.

  1. ?Select shortcode as in previous scenario and select ‘Store Table’ shortcode.producttable
  2. Select all the categories and columns that you would like to insert with this shortcode. ?Once finished, insert the shortcode into your page or custom page builder.tableshortcode
  3. Save your page and viewing shows the table of products along with a button to view the product in detail.producttable2

More Shortcode to explore!

We have more shortcode?which allow extensive control over your product displays and setup. ?You can display custom product categories on a WordPress page, very popular to do. ?You can also display custom cart and account shortcode, place single items or selected items on a page, even create a page for manufacturers and place those designed manufacturer products on a page.


We offer membership content shortcode as well, so if you sell membership content such as video, downloads, or access to a members area of your website, simply use this shortcode and design ‘Member Content/Non-Member Content’ on a single WordPress page. ?IF the user is logged in AND has purchased a membership, then they can view that content, otherwise, show the user directions to purchase OR login.

For more information on shortcode, you can also visit our online documentation: ?http://wpeasycart.com/docs/3.0.0/themes/shortcodes.php

WordPress 4.3 Upgrade Procedures

WordPress has recently released version 4.3, and there are thousands of plugins that are still working to become compatible with this latest release.

WP EasyCart has released a 4.3 compatible version, but it is critical that you update the plugin before you update WordPress.

  1. First, update plugins to 4.3 compatible versions. (plugins will say if they are 4.3 compatible in plugin update section)
  2. Second, update themes to 4.3 compatible versions. (check with your theme developer if theme is compatible)
  3. Lastly, update WordPress to 4.3 and process should go smoothly.



What to do if you get a white screen?

If your website automatically upgraded to 4.3, then it may break due to plugins or EasyCart not being updated prior to this core WordPress update. ?You may experience a white screen, or a PHP error notice saying it is having trouble loading.

1. ?First, you will need to log into your website through FTP and disable the plugin, for exampe /wp-content/plugins/wp-easycart folder should be renamed to /wp-easycart-old.

2. ?Second, you can log into wordpress admin ?now and see that under ‘plugins’ that the conflicting plugin has been deactivated… ?in this case WP EasyCart.

3. ?Third, go back to FTP and rename the plugin back to wp-easycart.

4. ?Fourth, go ahead and upgrade the plugin in question to a 4.3 compatible version.

5. ?Fifth, you can activate the new upgraded plugin.

6. ?Now you should be able to continue using WordPress as usual



Are there a list of other plugins that might not be 4.3 compatible?

Unfortunately yes, there is a huge list of plugins that this is known to have an issue with, and with automatic updater for WordPress running on many websites, this could accumulate into a huge issue. ?We encourage everyone to turn off automatic updates if you do not want this type of unexpected update behavior to occur on your website.

Here is a list from GitHub of plugins still needing to be upgraded: ?https://gist.github.com/chriscct7/d7d077afb01011b1839d