Turn Subscribers into Customers

How to Turn Your Email List into Customers

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with our email. From responding to client emails to deleting spam and sales emails – we spend a lot of time inside of our inboxes. Pair that with the fact that with smartphones, emails are sent right to the hand of buyers with a simple click, your email list is more important than ever.

In years passed, it was simple to build an email list for your eCommerce store, however in modern times, there are laws for how your mailing list is acquired, and with so many stores to choose from, buyers are cautious about which email lists they opt into. This is actually good news for your list though, because that means subscribers to your email list or newsletter are considered “warm leads.” This means they are very interested in learning more about your brand and what you have to offer. So how can you capitalize on this and turn your email list into customers? Read on to learn more!

Welcome New Subscribers

So you’ve had someone opt into your newsletter – now what? Be sure you have a professionally designed and written welcome email sent to the new subscriber within the first few days. This can happen automatically with various email management tools such as MailChimp to KEAP. You will want to use this email as an opportunity to celebrate your brand’s message, excite the subscribers and let them know what’s to come. Do this by making sure your brand colors and logos are included as well as your tagline. Additionally, craft a personalized letter that begins with the individual’s name. You will want to let them know what value being on your newsletter has for them. Will they get insider tips delivered to their inbox weekly? A chance to win monthly giveaways? Exclusive members-only coupons and discount codes? Give them a reason to open your coming emails and reassure them that joining your list is the right decision!

Nurture Your List with Valuable Content

Next, you will want to start putting together the follow-up emails. One common marketing strategy when creating sales emails is to include value for free. As an example, if your business is organic pet food, consider a topic that would be of interest to your subscribers. Ideas for articles might include, “why organic pet food’s popularity is on the rise” or “why feed your pet organic food?” Content like this is interesting to the reader and also builds your brand’s credibility on the topic of organic pet food. This increases brand awareness while increasing email opens. Balance your sales emails with free valuable content to prevent unsubscribes for being too heavy-handed with promoting your offers.

Include Exclusive and Limited Promotional Offers

Now that you’ve welcomed and entertained your readers and established your brand’s authority, you are ready to offer a promotion. After all, this is the goal and why the person joined your list. They are interested in what you are selling and you’ve taken the time to warm them up, trust your brand and explain why what you are selling adds value or convenience to their life. You should plan to include a sales email with a heavy call to action about once a month. Large brands will generally include a “limited offer” in the form of a coupon code, in-store only coupon, or an offer such as “buy one get one” or “free shipping.” Many potential buyers will join your email list exclusively because they would like to purchase from your store – just not at full price.

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